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Living In Aruba

Living In Aruba

Constitutional Form

Aruba has a constitutional monarchy (as part of the Kingdom of the Netherlands) with a parliamentary democracy. The Governor of Aruba is appointed by the Monarch and has a symbolic role. The 21 members of the parliament (legislative branch) are elected by direct popular vote for a four year period. The 8 members of the council of ministers (executive branch) are appointed by the Parliament. The judges in the judicial branch are appointed by the Monarch


Aruba is 6 miles across and 19.6 miles long with a total area of 77 Square miles (180 Square kilometers)

Geographical Position

Aruba is part of the West Indies in the Caribbean Sea, and lies about 12 degrees north of the equator, approximately 29km (18 miles) off the Paraguaná Peninsula of Venezuela

Time Zone

(GMT – 04:00 Georgetown, La Paz, Manaus, San Juan) During the months between the Spring Daylight Savings Time change to the Fall Daylight Savings Time change, we are the same time as EST. During the other months, we are one hour ahead of EST.




104,822 (2016)

Life expectancy

75.57 (2015)

Literacy rate

97.5 % ( 2015 est.)


Average of 82°F (27°C)


Average of 15.7 inches (400mm) per year


Papiamento (official), Dutch, English, Spanish

Head of State

The Governor of Aruba – Mr. A. Boekhoudt

Prime Minister

Ms. E. Wever-Croes

Governing Political

Coalition government POR, MEP & RED

Economic Activities

Tourism, petroleum bunkering, hospitality, and financial and business services are the mainstays of the small open Aruban economy.
Tourism accounts for majority of economic activity. As of 2014, over 1.7 million tourists visited Aruba annually, with the large majority of those from the US.


Aruban Florin (AWG) and US$ is widely accepted

Exchange Rate

AWG 1.80 = US$ 1.00 (more information on exchange rate )


International Airport Queen Beatrix

Major Airlines

American Airlines, US Airways, Continental Airlines, Delta Airlines, JetBlue Airways, United Airlines, Air Canada, Air Transet, Skyservice, Spirit Airlines EUROPE

KLM, ArkeFly, Thomson Holidays CARIBBEAN

Aruba Airlines, Insel Air, LATIN AMERICA

Avianca, Venezolana, SAM Aires, Avior, Aserca, Aires, Copa Airlines, SLM, Varig, PAWA Domincana

Major Sea Ports

Cruise Port
Commercial Port

Business Hours


Store Hours


Official Holidays

January 1 New Year’s Day
January 25 G.F. Betico Croes Day
Date varies per year Carnaval Monday
March 18 National Flag and Anthem Day
Date varies per year Good Friday
Date varies per year Easter Monday
April 30 Kings day
May 1 Labor Day
Date varies per year Ascension Day
December 25 Christmas Day
December 26 Boxing Day

Electricity System

110-127 Volt, 60 cycles. (North American voltage standard). The TV standard is NTSC, so your home video camera will also play back. Most houses have 220V for air conditioning

Salina Restaurant Aruba
Opal Aruba
Casbon Premier Aruba
O Condominium Aruba
Casbon Aruba